The Boston Massacre (Paul Revere engraving)

  July 29, 2020

An On-Line Publication of the Anonymous Anything Society

Remembering the Boston Massacre

  It began much like the events that transpired this weekend in Portland, Oregon.

  On February 22, 1770, a mob of outraged citizenry attacked the home of British Tax official Ebenezer Richardson (no relation of mine) in Boston. He tried to break-up the crowd by firing his gun into the mass of protesters, killing 11-year old Christopher Seider.

John Adams
  Once word spread among patriots, an unruly crowd confronted British troops billeted in Boston and on March 5th of that year, bells that usually rang when a serious fire broke out, pealed throughout the city.

  This drew an even greater number of protestors. Many of the 2,000 British soldiers billeted nearby confronted the mob. A shot rang out, killing Christopher Attucks, a citizen of mixed-blood ancestry and two other patriots, outright. Two others later died of wounds suffered in the barrage. Thomas Jefferson termed it “The rattle of musketry heard throughout the colonies.”

  There is a great irony found in the outcome of the massacre: All of the accused were defended by Attorney John Adams, soon to be elected the second President of the United States (March 4, 1825). 

  Six soldiers were acquitted of any wrongdoing. Two others were convicted of manslaughter and had their thumbs branded, a common punishment at the time.

-Phil Richardson, Storyteller and Observer of the Human Condition.

Our unending thanks to Jim Bromley, who programs our Archive of Prior Commentaries

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